E-Cigarette Tips – Become a Full-Time E-Smoker
When you try e-cigs for the first time, you can certainly sensate a different taste of cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes don’t taste like real cigarettes.
What Should an E-Cigarette Starter Kit Include?
Most new e-smokers get into the world of electronic cigarettes by buying an e-cigarette starter kit. Usually, these kits consist of batteries, atomizers or cartomizers for vaporizing e-cigarette liquid, charging accessories and enough liquid to keep you e-smoking for a good period of time (for at least a week or two).
E Cigarettes and pregnancy, the impact of E-Cigarettes during pregnancy
Is smoking electronic cigarettes while waiting for baby
Women with nicotine dependence asking the doctors about whether it is possible for pregnant women to smoke electronic cigarettes, and what might be the consequences for the growing fetus. Gynecologists recommend quit smoking any cigarettes, to have healthy baby. The use of electronic cigarettes during pregnancy can also be dangerous, because the device includes a cartridge with nicotine.The damage to this dangerous substance for human organism and systems has long been known.